Welcome to Cornerstone Community Church

Founded on Christ
Growing in Grace

"Jesus Christ Himself being the CORNERSTONE, in whom the whole structure being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit."
Eph 2:20-21

Historic Faith - Modern Context

At Cornerstone, we pursue a Christ-centered faith grounded in historical Christianity.
We are not a perfect people. Simply a church united by faith in Jesus Christ and belief
that where He is celebrated, God moves powerfully to change people.


We study the Bible in context,
seeking instruction for Gospel
living, responding with an
expression of faith.


Our songs, encouragments and
prayer exalt Christ as both the joy
and strength for holy living.


By grace alone, through faith
alone, in Christ alone, as revealed
in Scripture alone, for the glory
of God alone.


We express joy not from man
shaped traditions, but from hearts
stired by truth.

Worship Gatherings
at Cornerstone

When my heart is faint, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Psalm 61:2

Our gatherings are designed to help people behold, respond and be transformed into the image of Christ. Our times of worship include expository preaching, corporate singing, repentance, prayer, baptism, communion, generous giving and the reading of Scripture.

Weekly Schedule


Worship Service 10:30 am
Home Groups - Site Specific


Discovery Boys/Girls - 6:30 pm
Youth/Adults - 6:30 pm


Men's Bible Study - 6:30 am